Farah Husain, DMD, MPH Dental Officer/Epidemiologist, CDC
Emergency Response and Recovery Branch

Farah Husain joined the Emergency Response and Recovery Branch in 2008 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer. Her primary areas of work are communicable disease surveillance and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in emergency settings. She has most recently been involved in setting up the emergency disease surveillance system in Northern Syria and Jordan in response to the Syria crisis and is currently developing standardized guidelines to evaluate these systems with the World Health Organization. She is also working to develop guidance in epidemiological methods among WASH partners working in emergencies. She has worked in Iraq, Cameroon, Uganda, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Haiti, Nepal, Congo-Brazza, Mozambique, Jordan, Turkey and Kenya. Prior to joining CDC, Dr. Husain worked with International Medical Corps and the Pan American Health Organization. She completed her undergraduate degree from McGill University, and post-graduate degrees from Tufts University and Harvard University.
- BS, McGill University
- DMD, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
- MPH, Harvard University
- Husain F, Hardy C, Zekele L, Clatworthy D, Blanton C, Handzel T. A pilot study of a portable hand washing station for recently displaced refugees during an acute emergency in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State, Ethiopia. Conflict and Health 2015, 9:26; doi:10.1186/s13031-015-0053-6
- Peter H. Kilmarx, MD; Kevin R. Clarke, MD; Patricia M. Dietz, DrPH; Mary J. Hamel, MD; Farah Husain, DMD; Jevon D. McFadden, MD; Benjamin J. Park, MD; David E. Sugerman, MD; Joseph S. Bresee, MD; Jonathan Mermin, MD; James McAuley, MD; Amara Jambai, MD. Ebola Virus Disease in Health Care Workers — Sierra Leone, 2014. MMWR 2014; 63(49); 1168-1171
- Patrick M, Berendes D, Murphy J, Bertrand F, Husain F, Handzel T. Access to Safe Water in Rural Artibonite, Haiti 16 Months after the Onset of the Cholera Epidemic. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2013 89:647-653; doi:10.4269/ajtmh.13-0308
- Susan T. Cookson, Antony Ajanga, Marthe Everard, Ghulam R. Popal, Kevin R. Clarke, Farah Husain. Success with disease surveillance in Somalia. British Med J 2013; 347(7930):21
- Sabatinelli G, Kakar S, Khan M, Malik M, Kazi B, Aurakzai J, Gayer M, Husain F, Brennan M, Bilukha O, Shaikh I, Cookson S, Shahpar C. Early Warning Disease Surveillance after a Flood Emergency — Pakistan, 2010. MMWR 2012; vol 61, no 49: 1002-1007
- Kebede A, Ahmed H, Masresha B, Perry R, Burton A, Spiegel P, Blanton C, Husain F, Alexander J, Goodson J. Measles – Horn of Africa, 2010-2011. MMWR 2012; vol 61, no 34: 678-684.
- Bilukha, O, Howard, C, Wilkinson, C; Bamrah, S, Husain, F. Effects of multimicronutrient home fortification on anemia and growth in Bhutanese refugee children. Food & Nutrition Bulletin, vol 32, no 3, Sept 2011, pp. 264-276(13)
- Husain F, Anderson M, Lopes Cardozo B, Becknell K, Blanton C, Araki D, Vithana EK. Prevalence of War-Related Mental Health Conditions and Association with Displacement Status in Postwar Jaffna District, Sri Lanka. JAMA 2011; 306 (5): 1-10